My kids have this running inside joke that I don't get at all!
They both will start saying "potato salad" anyway they want to (yelling, silly, whisper...) and then they start cracking up and saying "that's silly!" They will do this for 5-10 minutes and just laugh and laugh and laugh.
When did my kids get so weird?
Family photo shoot
My wonderfully talented sister-in-law took these pictures of us while her and her family were up here for Thanksgiving. Thank you Robyn Waggoner for doing this for us! We needed a family picture so bad!
One of the few with everyone smiling!
He was only happy at the last 15 minutes of our shoot. He had
to have his coat on.
So handsome!
She is so stinkin' cute! She was the perfect little
girl to photograph!
I love this!
"Best Friends" as Clayton puts it!
I love this picture. I don't get many
pictures of me that I love...thank you Robyn!
Love this baby!
It was REALLY cold this day. No wonder they wanted
their coats on.
I still love this man!
We had lots more taken, but these were a few of my favorites!
37 weeks
I have 3 weeks left and I am really getting that feeling of being done. Little Dean is just pushing and kicking like crazy, that it is getting to the point of TOO uncomfortable.
I went and saw the doctor yesterday. Besides Dean's heartbeat being a little fast (I just ate, he was super excited!) he is doing great. The doc says we're right on track to be about an 8 lb baby. Clayton was 8 lbs and Aubrey was 7lbs 5oz. So, he is on track to be a little Waggoner baby already.
Christmas is fast approaching and my kids are getting super excited! Clayton is LOVING Frosty the snowman and is already singing part it. Aubrey loves looking at the present and the trees and is doing fairly well about not touching.
We're doing Christmas special at our house. All the presents that are under the tree right now we will open Sunday. But, because Steve has to work on Christmas, Santa is coming on Monday. He has that day off, stupid work! We've explained it to the kids that Santa is going to come on Monday just so Daddy can watch them open their presents.
We're also spending Christmas afternoon and evening with my parents and siblings. After Steve gets home, we'll head over there and enjoy some time with them. We're all super excited about that!
Other than feeling super done, my back hurting, my legs sore and being quite tired all the time, I can't complain about the pregnancy too much. I'm not sick, I don't feel horrible and I am still do everything I want, just with some breaks in between.
We hope you all have a Merry Christmas. It will probably be until after then that I post again!
I went and saw the doctor yesterday. Besides Dean's heartbeat being a little fast (I just ate, he was super excited!) he is doing great. The doc says we're right on track to be about an 8 lb baby. Clayton was 8 lbs and Aubrey was 7lbs 5oz. So, he is on track to be a little Waggoner baby already.
Christmas is fast approaching and my kids are getting super excited! Clayton is LOVING Frosty the snowman and is already singing part it. Aubrey loves looking at the present and the trees and is doing fairly well about not touching.
We're doing Christmas special at our house. All the presents that are under the tree right now we will open Sunday. But, because Steve has to work on Christmas, Santa is coming on Monday. He has that day off, stupid work! We've explained it to the kids that Santa is going to come on Monday just so Daddy can watch them open their presents.
We're also spending Christmas afternoon and evening with my parents and siblings. After Steve gets home, we'll head over there and enjoy some time with them. We're all super excited about that!
Other than feeling super done, my back hurting, my legs sore and being quite tired all the time, I can't complain about the pregnancy too much. I'm not sick, I don't feel horrible and I am still do everything I want, just with some breaks in between.
We hope you all have a Merry Christmas. It will probably be until after then that I post again!
ginger snaps
So Grandma Waggoner just gave the kids some ginger snap cookies. I am sitting here on the computer and Clayton comes over and says "Mommy, this is for baby Dean!" He is such a nut!
4 more weeks until our little bundle of joy joins the family!
What we need to get for Baby Dean
While driving in the car one day to preschool, Clayton was explaining to me what we need to get for baby Dean. He said that we need to get another crib for him since Aubrey is still using one. I told him that we have something for Dean to use in our storage unit that we just have to get. Clayton's response is "oh, okay! What else do we have to get for him?" I tell him we have to get some baby clothes and a baby bath for Dean. Clayton's like "a baby bath? We have a bath mommy, and a shower! What's a baby bath?" I had to explain to him that it is a little bath tub that Dean will fit in better since he is so little.
I love that Clayton is so interested in Dean and what we need for him. He is going to be the perfect big brother. Though, you wouldn't guess it from the bickering that is going on the bedroom right now between Clayton and Aubrey.
While driving in the car one day to preschool, Clayton was explaining to me what we need to get for baby Dean. He said that we need to get another crib for him since Aubrey is still using one. I told him that we have something for Dean to use in our storage unit that we just have to get. Clayton's response is "oh, okay! What else do we have to get for him?" I tell him we have to get some baby clothes and a baby bath for Dean. Clayton's like "a baby bath? We have a bath mommy, and a shower! What's a baby bath?" I had to explain to him that it is a little bath tub that Dean will fit in better since he is so little.
I love that Clayton is so interested in Dean and what we need for him. He is going to be the perfect big brother. Though, you wouldn't guess it from the bickering that is going on the bedroom right now between Clayton and Aubrey.
Oh I have missed you.
Please don't mind the laptop in the picture. I was just having fun and I just wanted a picture to put up for all to see. This is my in-law's tree. Seeing how we are living with them, it will be ours as well. So many decorations with so many meanings. I can't wait until we can put our own up...hopefully next year.
The kids are really excited about Christmas. Aubrey just loves to look at the tree and touch every ornament she can. Thankfully, we haven't broken any this year because of touching, just yet at least. Clayton says we need to have a star instead of an angel on top of the tree. I agree, but again, it's not our tree. We have a star for our own tree.
We started a new tradition this year. It's called Elf on the Shelf. There is a special book and elf that you can buy that explains it all, but in short, you have a special elf that stays at your house during the holiday's and it watches you so see if you are being good or naughty. Every night after the kids go to bed, he goes to see Santa with his special magic and reports what he saw each day. He comes back before the kids wake up and he is in a different spot. So every morning the kids have to find 'Present' (our name for our elf) the elf. It is really fun. When the kids are being especially bad, we just remind them that Present in watching them and will tell Santa how they have been that day. On Christmas Eve, our elf leaves to go visit Santa one last time and stays with Santa until the next holiday season. Santa has the last say on who is naughty and nice...but it is nice to have an extra set of eyes and ears on the kids. You can't touch the elf unless you want all his magic to go away. You can tell him all you want for Christmas. You can talk to him, but he is under strict orders not to talk back. It is just a fun tradition that I am sure the kids will remember.
Steve has Christmas off this year. It will be nice to be able to open the presents in the morning after church instead of after naps like we had to last year. Plus, it will be nice to have a helping hand get everything set up for the kids! We'll be spending the afternoon and evening with parents, when they get home for their sacrament meeting. I'm excited!
So, I hope that all of you have an awesome Christmas. I'm sure we will!
Please don't mind the laptop in the picture. I was just having fun and I just wanted a picture to put up for all to see. This is my in-law's tree. Seeing how we are living with them, it will be ours as well. So many decorations with so many meanings. I can't wait until we can put our own up...hopefully next year.
The kids are really excited about Christmas. Aubrey just loves to look at the tree and touch every ornament she can. Thankfully, we haven't broken any this year because of touching, just yet at least. Clayton says we need to have a star instead of an angel on top of the tree. I agree, but again, it's not our tree. We have a star for our own tree.
We started a new tradition this year. It's called Elf on the Shelf. There is a special book and elf that you can buy that explains it all, but in short, you have a special elf that stays at your house during the holiday's and it watches you so see if you are being good or naughty. Every night after the kids go to bed, he goes to see Santa with his special magic and reports what he saw each day. He comes back before the kids wake up and he is in a different spot. So every morning the kids have to find 'Present' (our name for our elf) the elf. It is really fun. When the kids are being especially bad, we just remind them that Present in watching them and will tell Santa how they have been that day. On Christmas Eve, our elf leaves to go visit Santa one last time and stays with Santa until the next holiday season. Santa has the last say on who is naughty and nice...but it is nice to have an extra set of eyes and ears on the kids. You can't touch the elf unless you want all his magic to go away. You can tell him all you want for Christmas. You can talk to him, but he is under strict orders not to talk back. It is just a fun tradition that I am sure the kids will remember.
Steve has Christmas off this year. It will be nice to be able to open the presents in the morning after church instead of after naps like we had to last year. Plus, it will be nice to have a helping hand get everything set up for the kids! We'll be spending the afternoon and evening with parents, when they get home for their sacrament meeting. I'm excited!
So, I hope that all of you have an awesome Christmas. I'm sure we will!
Silly kids!
I don't know what it is about these two, but Clayton likes Aubrey to wear his clothes and Aubrey loves to wear them. It doesn't help the laughter that they are both wearing Clayton's hats and Aubrey HAD to wear her Dora backpack to match Clayton. These two are so silly!
Grandpa always gives the kids some change when they come over so they can put it in their piggy banks. I had put Aubrey's in my pocket so she wouldn't lose it (looks like she'll lose something for sure) and Clayton put his in his pocket.
I was in the kitchen makiug some dinner for a family that just moved into our ward and all of a sudden I hear Aubrey coughing, BAD! I run in and my dad is holding her. Looks like she found a cup and was pretending to drink something. None of us knew what it was, so I was asking her. At first she is really scared to tell me...who wouldn't be? Grandpa, Grandmama and Mommy are all freaking out you're gonna choke to death on something. She finally said it was "money". And I am like, "great!! I just read a friends blog about their son swallowing a quarter and having to go to the ER because it was stuck in his esaphogus. What I am I going to have to do???"
Well, she swallowed it all the way and she is acting normal. So I am just going to have to up her juice and "laxative" food intake so that I know she is going to poop it out and I have to watch to make sure she isn't bloating or getting sick.
Hot Dog
We've all been sick for the last week and Steve just barely caught up with us. He was sitting in his chair playing a computer game yesterday and Clayton was sitting next to him playing Mario on the Nintendo DS. Well, Steve coughed and didn't cover his mouth (bad manners!) and this is the conversation he and Clayton had...
Steve: Cough, Cough!!
Clayton: Cover your mouth!
Steve: (Smiling) Who you think your talking to?
Clayton: (Still staring at his game) A hot dog!
This kid is hilarious and we love him to death! We just had to share with you!
Steve: Cough, Cough!!
Clayton: Cover your mouth!
Steve: (Smiling) Who you think your talking to?
Clayton: (Still staring at his game) A hot dog!
This kid is hilarious and we love him to death! We just had to share with you!
Girly Hands
Let's face it...I have girly hands. I went and helped Steve rake leaves in our front yard for about an hour and I already have a blister on my hand. I'm a wuss and I'll admit it. But I did help Steve and that is what counts. My back hurts and I know I'm going to feel it tomorrow, but oh well! It was a good time outside before it got too dark.
Kidney Stone
Last month I passed a kidney stone. We took a trip to the doctor so he could check it out and Grandpa Waggoner watched the kids. We come home and this is what we find. Take into consideration that it is the middle of October in Washington at about 5pm!
Oh how I love my kids!
Aubrey "laying" down for me |
My pumpkin...wearing Clayton's clothes! |
We lost bunny over the edge! |
Daddy threw something up in the air and then caught a picture! |
Oh how I love my kids!
Well here it is, our new blog...Let's hope this one works out!
Watch out for cuteness, craziness, and everything Waggoner!
Watch out for cuteness, craziness, and everything Waggoner!
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