
My Mother's Day

Nothing really exciting happened on my Mother's day.  Steve had to work, so mine didn't start until 4:30 when we got home from church.  That is when the happiness started!

I come home to find Steve sitting on the ground with my Cricut machine in from of him making me my mother's day card.  I didn't want much on mothers day, except for a family picture.  My father-in-law so willingly and patiently took several pictures.  Only a few turned out good and even then they aren't the best.  But it is what I wanted.  I'm sure Photo shop, whenever I figure it out, will make them turn out better!

We had pulled pork sandwiches with homemade coleslaw and corn on the cob.  It was so yummy!

My big Mother's Day gift will be combined with my birthday gift.  I'm getting a Kindle Fire.  I won't get it by my birthday, which is this coming Friday, but I know that I am getting it and Steve is working extra jobs to earn the money to get it.

Clayton sang in the primary during sacrament meeting on church and that I loved!  Aubrey kept calling it HER mother's day, not mine.

the one good shot of the kids!

I need to learn photo shop to get rid of the shadows

If only Dean and Aubrey were looking at the camera!
All in all it was a good day it felt good to be appreciated, even if it was for part of the day!


Bees 2012

Steve is doing 2 hives this year.  Two of his brothers are sponsoring one, so they will get most of the honey from that one.  We're hoping that these ones do better than the last few tries.  One year they died during the winter, another year they swarmed, another year they just didn't produce well...so here's to hoping they do great.
Here's some things you should know about bees:
They are all female, but only one queen
They can travel up to 20 miles to collect pollen to make honey
They are VERY clean bugs
They many different types of bees
During the winter, they huddle in a circle to keep warm and slowly work their way in and out of the circle to stay warm.

I'm sure there's more, but I thought that was cool!
Oh, they are different types of honey depending on where the bees go to collect the pollen

Here on some pictures of what it takes to get the bees in their new homes!
the bees

up close and personal

notice the dead ones?  That happens on the trip...
they die to make sure the queen

Two 3 # boxes ( about 15,000 bees per box)

The bees new home!

Getting ready to let them out!

unlocking the top

The queen (they keep her in a separate box so the other
bees get to know before they decide they might kill her)

Dropping the queen in 

"dumping" the bees out

See them falling out

still trying to get them out

"knocking" them out

This is when the bees started to go exploring and looking for me!  9 landed on me and I started freaking out!  It's hard not to freak out when they are buzzing all over your ear ( I actually had a dream last night that one went in my ear, which is NOT unheard of!).  Steve stopped what he was doing and came to my rescue and brushed them off of me. 

During all of his years as a bee keeper he has only been stung once.  The bees are doing REALLY good!  They have already started to draw out the wax in their hives and started getting things ready for the little ones to be laid and put in their little homes until they get big!

Again, here is to a great year with LOTS of honey!

Weight loss: Week 2

I didn't do much this week.  It was kind of put on hold for Steve.  His bee's came in this week (I'll post later) and then his jeep broke down on Friday.  So Friday night and Saturday afternoon consisted of him working on that and I was left with the kids.  But here is what I did do

I did:
bicep dips
squats (it's the only thing that puts Dean to sleep, so add 15 lbs, it's a good work out!)

I need to work on:
push-ups (not the girly ones)
portion sizes (I went over board this weekend)
more crunches (I have to lose this baby fat!)

I'm hoping that this week will go better!  Steve isn't doing anything super big, so I can go and do things that I should be doing!


weight loss: Week 1

I lost 2.2 lbs this last week according to Wii Fit.

I ran 1 mile
did lots of push-ups
did lots of sit-ups
worked on lunges
worked on squats
tried lifting Dean up at down (since he's 15 lbs)

My goals for this week:
run 3 miles
do MORE push-ups
do MORE sit-ups
work on lunges
work on squats

I did fairly well on portion sizes and snacks.  I'm not eating after 8:00pm.  I am drinking LOTS more water.  I only had one soda and it was a Sprite.  Still staying away from soda and will work on drinking more water this week1