
My Mother's Day

Nothing really exciting happened on my Mother's day.  Steve had to work, so mine didn't start until 4:30 when we got home from church.  That is when the happiness started!

I come home to find Steve sitting on the ground with my Cricut machine in from of him making me my mother's day card.  I didn't want much on mothers day, except for a family picture.  My father-in-law so willingly and patiently took several pictures.  Only a few turned out good and even then they aren't the best.  But it is what I wanted.  I'm sure Photo shop, whenever I figure it out, will make them turn out better!

We had pulled pork sandwiches with homemade coleslaw and corn on the cob.  It was so yummy!

My big Mother's Day gift will be combined with my birthday gift.  I'm getting a Kindle Fire.  I won't get it by my birthday, which is this coming Friday, but I know that I am getting it and Steve is working extra jobs to earn the money to get it.

Clayton sang in the primary during sacrament meeting on church and that I loved!  Aubrey kept calling it HER mother's day, not mine.

the one good shot of the kids!

I need to learn photo shop to get rid of the shadows

If only Dean and Aubrey were looking at the camera!
All in all it was a good day it felt good to be appreciated, even if it was for part of the day!

1 comment:

Grandmama said...

What a great idea for a Mother's day gift. Looking great...little family!!