We had doctor appointments the last two days. Aubrey's was yesterday. It was quite funny to go with her. She refused to stand on the scale, so mommy was weighed then I got to hold Aubrey. Standing up to get measured for height was, eh, okay. The nurse checked Aubrey's pulse and arm pressure. She's good to go on all of those. She even sat still for all of that. She was confused the nurse held her fingers on Aubrey's wrist. I had to explain a lot! They tried to do a hearing test. Aubrey cooperated in having the earphone next to her ear, but wouldn't respond if she heard something or not. The doctor is very impressed with he vocabulary. We need to get working on potty training, which I totally agree with, but she has been a bum about it. Here are her stats:
Height - 3' 2" - 65th %ile
Weight - 34 lbs - 80th %ile
Then we had Dean's appointment today. Let's just say that I don't want to go back to the doctor's for a while. Sitting in the waiting room for more than a half hour is not my idea of fun. Dean was great at being checked at. We had a really bad night last night, so I think he was just really tired and not being himself this morning. This might get on the gross side for some of you, but most of you are mom's so you completely understand. Dean has the tendency of not pooping for several days and then just exploding constantly on one day. I asked the doctor about this and he said it is normal for an exclusively breastfed baby to do that. As long as the poop is runny, we're good to go! After the appointment we had to go and do shots. Besides the waiting, that we once again had to do ( UGH!!!) Dean did great! He got 2 shots and and one oral vaccine. He whined for each shot, but never really cried. He then continued to crash on the was home and was asleep for a good 2 1/2 to 3 hours! Here are Dean's Stats:
Height - 26 1/2 inches - 88th %ile
Weight - 18 lbs 3 oz - 90th %ile
Head circumference - 44cm - 85th %ile
My kiddos are getting really big and I love it!